Strictly prohibited to use music / audio equipment on campsite territory at ALL times !!!
Camping Rules

Camping and holiday resort “Pusele” rules
Tourists are admitted from 8AM until 10PM.
Insober or agressive persons are not allowed to enter the camping grounds.
Check in to the cabins from 3PM, check out until 12.00 AM.
Visitors who are staying at their caravans must check out until 1PM, extension costs 1EUR/hour.
Parents (people who take care of children) are responsible for their children safety and behavior during their stay on the campsite.
Motor vehicles must be parked at the places according to campsite’s employee’s orders.
Motor vehicle speed cannot exceed 10km/h on the campsite grounds.
People who are visiting camping guests must pay camping entrance fee and follow camping rules.
It is obligatory to make amends for stolen, broken or missing inventory.
Camping visitors are obliged to follow fire safety rules, follow safety guidelines with water vehicles, and DO NOT cross buoys otherwise country’s migration law will be violated.

Strictly prohibited on campsite territory !!!
Use music / audio equipment on the campsite (24 hours).
Start camp fire/bonfire in NON designated places.
Litter campsite territory or make damage to the nature.
Lead dogs unleashed in a rest zone or swim with them on a public beach.
Make noise or distract other tourists.
Dear Tourists,
We ask you to respect everyone’s rest and tranquility and to be tolerant and reasonable.
Tourists who are warned 2 times for rule violations are checked out from Camping and Holiday Resort “Pušelė” without the right to return their payment.
TELEPHONE NUMBER: +370 611 51121